
Democracy and the Vote in British Politics, 1848-1867: the Making of the Second Reform Act (Ashgate, 2011) read more!

Making Thatcher's Britain ed. Ben Jackson and Robert Saunders (CUP, 2012) read more!
Articles and Book Chapters
‘Lord John Russell and Parliamentary Reform, 1848-1867’, English Historical Review, cxx (2005).
‘The Politics of Reform and the Making of the Second Reform Act, 1848-67’, Historical Journal, 50 (2007).
‘Chartism From Above: British Elites and the Interpretation of Chartism’, Historical Research, lxxxi (2008).
‘Parliament and People: the British Constitution in the Long Nineteenth Century’, Journal of Modern European History, 6 (2008).
'D.R. Fisher (ed.), The History of Parliament: The House of Commons, 1820-1832', [Review Article], English Historical Review, 126 (2011) Link
'Introduction' [with Ben Jackson] and 'Thatcherism and the Seventies', in B. Jackson and R. Saunders (eds), Making Thatcher's Britain: Essays on the History of Thatcherism (CUP, 2012)
‘"Let America be the Test": Atlantic Democracy and the British Constitution, 1832-1867’, in R. Livesey and E. Dzelzainis (eds.), The American Experiment and the Idea of Democracy in British Culture, 1776–1914 (Ashgate, 2013).
'Democracy' in D. Craig and J. Thompson (eds), The Languages of Politics in Modern British History (Palgrave, 2013)
'Tory Rebels and Tory Democracy: The Ulster Crisis, 1900-1914' in R. Carr and B. Hart (eds), The Foundations of Modern British Conservatism (Continuum, 2013)
'Languages of Democracy in Britain, 1830-1848' [with Joanna Innes and Mark Philp] in J. Innes and M. Philp (eds), Re-Imagining Democracy in the Age of Revolutions: America, France, Britain, Ireland 1750-1850 (OUP, 2013)
'God and the Great Reform Act: Preaching Against Reform, 1831-32', Journal of British Studies, 53 (2014)
'Benjamin Disraeli' in T. Bale, C. Clarke, P. Diamond and T. James (eds), British Conservative Leaders (Biteback, 2015)
'A Tale of Two Referendums: 1975 and 2016', Political Quarterly, 87:3 (2016)
Current Affairs
'What Ed Miliband Can Learn From Margaret Thatcher', Renewal (2011)
'"An Auction of Fear": The Scotland in Europe Referendum, 1975', Renewal (2014)
On-line book reviews
Malcolm Chase, Chartism: a New History (MUP, 2007) [Author's response]
Richard Gaunt, Sir Robert Peel: the Life and Legacy (IB Tauris, 2010)
Roland Quinault, British Prime Ministers and Democracy: From Disraeli to Blair (Continuum, 2011)
Alistair Darling, Back From the Brink: 1000 Days at Number 11 (2011)
Tim Bale, The Conservatives since 1945 (2012)
Hurd and Young, Disraeli (2013) and D. Leonard, The Great Rivalry (2013), Times Literary Supplement
Charles Moore, Not For Turning: The Authorized Biography of Margaret Thatcher, volume 1 (2013)
Tara Martin Lopez, The Winter of Discontent: Myth, Memory and History (2014)